Ask Wonder Review - Is Ask Wonder Legit?

Ask Wonder Review

You’re probably here because you’re looking for an in-depth and honest Ask Wonder review.
So, You're in the right place.
In this Ask Wonder review, we're gonna run through exactly
What is Ask Wonder? 
How Does Ask Wonder Work?
How Much Can You Make On Ask Wonder?

This way you could decide if this website is worth joining.

Ask Wonder Review - Is Ask Wonder Legit?

What Is Ask Wonder?

They help third-party companies in their market research by getting complex questions answered using researchers like yourself if you're gonna sign up on here, so that's where you would fit in.
The question you need to be asking yourself is can you actually make a decent amount of money with this as a researcher? I'll talk about that later.

How Does Ask Wonder Work?

To become a researcher you want to go to the sign up page completely free. There is an application process, you'll have to take a simple quiz, as well as do a trial assignment.
There's a variety of different jobs you'd be involved this, so recommend products or service, gather statistics and the pays between $6 all the way up to $17 per question depends on the complexity of the question, how long it's going to take you to answer it. But generally it's between that range. As far as pay you're paid out via paypal every two weeks.

That's how it works in a nutshell.

How Much Can You Make On Ask Wonder?

If you go to different review websites like trustpilot and glassdoor, the reviews are fairly mixed of people who've actually researched on here.

  • The positive reviews
People like that the work was very fun and relatively interesting. They're always learning new things because it kind of forces you to get into that research mode, so if you enjoy doing research, yeah it might be a good fit.
They also said their team is very polite and supportive.
Another person liked that the interface was very easy to navigate and also it had very flexible working hours.

  • The negative reviews
Someone said over 80% paid less than minimum wage when you actually calculate it by the hour.
Another person complain tasks that are supposed to take one hour in reality they take three or four hours, a lot of the time.
Another complaint was low availability of jobs, so one person said there maybe they get one job a month on average and no priority is really given at all to people who've been there the longest and they're constantly bringing in new researchers see flood the marketplace even more, so it's even more competitive.
Lastly I'll give you one more, someone complained that the learning curve was quite steep and it takes a while to figure out what they expect from you the researchers and a lot of information to digest at first and the questions can also be quite complex.

Those are the reviews.

I would say at the time of writing this article it's a legitimate website, they pay out everyone on time, they're very professional. You can make a little bit of money on the side but is they'll allow you to quit your job and pay your bills, probably not.
These sort of websites aren't really designed for that, they're designed to make you a little extra money on the side maybe some pizza money as they say but they're not designed to make you rich or financially independent or anything like that.

I hope you guys enjoyed the review and please let me know in the comments below if you have any questions.

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